Wednesday, October 7, 2015

DreamDark Blackbringer by; Liani Taylor

This book I recommend to those who are interested in...
  • Adventure
  • Magic
  • Mythological creatures
  • Demons
This book is pretty thick so if you don't like reading long books I would say don't read this. Anyway, it's about a young fairy named Magpie who left Dreamdark to fight devils (demons) with a group of crows. Dreamdark is where all these small magical creatures live and is surrounded by this hedge that humans can't go through. On the outside of this place is a human school and a well that is known to be "cursed" since black smoke comes out of it. In that well is where the Djinn king lives. He is the one that created every single being just by dreaming. In the book, Magpie is a devil hunter and comes across an empty bottle that was sealed specifically from the Djinn king. The devil that is placed in that bottles name is The Blackbringer, hence the name of the book.

I will not type more since I will spill the beans out of the can, so just read the book if it intrigues you in doing so.

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