Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Attack On Titan

I'm pretty sure everyone has heard of Attack On Titan and how great it is.
Believe me when I tell you this........ It's Amazing.
The graphics are very detailed. It is directed by the same people who created Death Note. If you haven't heard of Death Note, my next reviews will be on it.

Attack On Titan is about the human race hiding behind these enormous walls called wall Maria, wall Rose, and wall Sina. What were they hiding from? They were hiding from these gigantic human looking creatures that ate humans and nobody knows why. The main characters name is Eren Yeager. His father is a doctor and his mother stays at home. When Eren was younger, he went with his dad to visit a friend. His father's friends have a young daughter named Mikasa Ackerman. When they arrived at the house they found the Ackerman's dead and Mikasa seemed to be kidnapped. That is how the Yeager's adopted her. 
One night his father took Eren into the woods and injected him with a fluid and told Eren that the answers will be in the basement.

Anyway, a gigantic titan smashed a hole on the outer wall and disappeared. Many other titans on the outside began to go into the town and feast on the humans. Eren's mother was at home and their house was near the hole that was created. When he arrived at the house, the roof had collapsed and pinned his Mrs. Yeager to the ground. She told them to run and get to the second wall. And I'll let you guys guess what happened.

So when Eren gets older he gets a choice to go to work to attack titans. Military, Garrison Regiment, Survey Corps., Special Operations Squad, and Military Police Brigade. They do training and are given the choice of staying and put your life on the line or you can go home where you will most likely be safe.

I believe I said to much so I'll just stop. I wrote way more then I would usually write because I strongly recommend this anime. There is a lot of killing and blood so I'll just put that out there. So if you still choose to watch then ENJOY! :3

Review On Bleach

Bleach is a very good show, although it's very long. I stopped at season two which is about episode 170, something around there. I've watched the show on YouTube and on Netflix they've got movies based on it.

It's about a teenager named Ichigo Kurosaki who can see ghosts. He has seen his mother die in front of him at a very young age. There are these evil creatures will attack spirits that haven't crossed over yet. When they cross over they go to a place called The Soul Society. It's a place for them to go to live at like when they were alive. A girl who's from the Soul Society goes into Ichigo's room because one of the evil creatures was going to pop up there. Ichigo isn't supposed to be able to see her but since he can see ghosts, he's able to see her. Ichigo has seen her earlier that day when an evil spirit had assaults the city,making scratches on the buildings and breaking electrical wires. The humans surrounding the area were brainwashed into thinking there was a gas explosion in one of the buildings.

After the attack, the girl somehow lost her powers and Ichigo gained them. This girl's name is Rukia and now has to act like a human. She begins to attend Ichigo's high school and learn more of human culture.

I will stop here since I have a feeling that I will spoil everything. Just watch this anime, it is really good.

Monday, October 12, 2015


Alright, so I've got a wattpad account where I write books mostly about supernatural beings.
Such as...
And more

The picture on the right is the front cover of the book and says Bloody Nights by; BlackLily_jr3, which is my wattpad name.

Currently I am writing a book about a vampire serial killer who has an older sister who is psychic. The night that he gets released from a mental hospital, he and his sister goes into a village and find their prey. The victims were two young adolescents who were underage drinking. The young girl was taken by Jace (the vampire), and the male being taken by Maley (his sister). When Jace finishes drinking her blood, he decides to go back home. While running back, he gets crashed into by Handru.

Handru is Hades son and is running away after an ambush back in the castle. His father was hosting a party with the most high class demons in all of the underworld. He has taken a portal into the mortal world and needs help to find the stranger that is after him.

This book I am making will be with a gay couple so if you consider yourself being a homophobe then suggest that you do not read this.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

DreamDark Blackbringer by; Liani Taylor

This book I recommend to those who are interested in...
  • Adventure
  • Magic
  • Mythological creatures
  • Demons
This book is pretty thick so if you don't like reading long books I would say don't read this. Anyway, it's about a young fairy named Magpie who left Dreamdark to fight devils (demons) with a group of crows. Dreamdark is where all these small magical creatures live and is surrounded by this hedge that humans can't go through. On the outside of this place is a human school and a well that is known to be "cursed" since black smoke comes out of it. In that well is where the Djinn king lives. He is the one that created every single being just by dreaming. In the book, Magpie is a devil hunter and comes across an empty bottle that was sealed specifically from the Djinn king. The devil that is placed in that bottles name is The Blackbringer, hence the name of the book.

I will not type more since I will spill the beans out of the can, so just read the book if it intrigues you in doing so.